Welcome to Good Shepherd.
Good Shepherd is a congregation gathered by the Spirit in a community of welcome, worship and grace, empowered as a community of risk takers daring to be the face of Christ for the hurting, and sent on a faith journey, inviting others to share and experience the Good News.

Whoever and Wherever you are, we invite you to journey with us.
Good Shepherd strives to be a church beyond the building. We are making new investments in online worship and community building to accompany our historic commitment to service in the community. We hope you will join us.
Where to find us
Good Shepherd is located in SW Rochester, MN. "Up on the hill" we look over Med City from a peaceful, parkland setting. Part of our property is designated by the City of Rochester as Good Shepherd Park with its city maintained playground. This area also makes a great place for dog walkers and sledding in the winter.
Worship at 9:30am
Education Hour at 10:30am
Office open 9 am-4pm (entrance on Northside or back of building)
Worship at 9:30am
Education Hour at 10:30am
Office open 9 am-4pm (entrance on Northside or back of building)